All Real Progress Begins With The Truth…

No strings no add on’s –  my gift to you for the 2011  

All real progress begins with the truth.   If you want to get on the right track,  you need to know where you are first.  Then, make an honest evaluation of your current situation and position and  ‘own’ it. Only then – can you take the steps needed to get where you’d rather be.

What you need is a kind of  “COMPASS to point you in the right direction.  The same way that hikers and explorers rely on a compass to point out true North, you need a way to find your own True North in your business and in your life

So….  A while back, I put something together for my Coaching Club Members to do just that very thing! They (and I) have been using it for years.  It’s the first order of business at the end of the “old year”.  It helps to “RE-ORIENT” you and get you pointed “TRUE NORTH”. 

Because I think this is SO IMPORTANT  for ALL PIZZERIA OWNERS  (Now More Than Ever!) I’m putting it out there for you too. Click here and put “ Real Truth Compass” in the subject line for a FREE COPY of the ‘Real Truth Compass’© tool that will help you get a handle on things.


Limited time (3 Day) offer…

Use the tool, complete the exercise(s) and get your bearings.  If you’d like a review, email it back and I’ll do a CONFIDENTIAL review and comment on the first 15 I get.   It’s good for the soul and let’s me work “On The Side of  The Angels” but, sorry, I can’t extend beyond the 3 day limit!

First come, first served,  You Snooze You Looze…..

Stay Sharp! 



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